Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Have you always been overweight?"

Wait...what did you just say to me? That is exactly what I was thinking when I was called "overweight" for the first time in my life. The NP I went to to see, who gave me my physical and weighed me for the Weight Loss Incentive Program wasn't very put it nicely. I walked into the Dr's office and asked if I could get weighed for the Program our health insurance offers. I didn't think I needed an appointment because I just needed a Doctor to sign the form and get my official height and weight. I waited an hour to see the NP, but was thankful that they got me in because I was eager to start my journey towards getting healthier.

The NP walked in, we conversed over why I was doing this. I told her I needed to get back into the habit of working out and start eating healthy. She told me my BMI was 28 and that I qualified for the program. When I was measured for my height, I was 70.5 inches tall. That's almost 6 feet tall (duh.) After we talked for a bit about the weather---->whatever to keep from silence, she asked me, "have you always been overweight?" Wow. I was first, shocked. I had never been called overweight in my life. I'm a tall girl. Sure I could lose some weight, but I didn't think I had deemed myself the name of overweight. Second, I was extremely hurt. My eyes began to water and she instantly started apologizing, letting me know that my BMI was in the "overweight" category. She ended things quickly and I left the doctor's office bawling. I had never felt like that in my whole life. I was so ashamed of myself. I cried all the way home. As soon as I got home, I went and hopped in the shower. I had a weird weird feeling come over me. I stopped crying, realized how silly it was to be crying in the first place, and decided everything was on me. I had to make the changed in my diet and exercise if I wanted to do this. Why should I care about what one person thinks about me? I got in my car and drove to the store afterwards spending 70 dollars on food that was healthy for me and healthier choices that what I had been eating.

I never want to feel how I felt in the dr's office on Monday. I will never feel like that again. I'm going to work my hardest at this and put my best effort forth. I need to do this.

I went to the gym tonight for the first time in about a month. I always feel like I have to work out before I go into public to work out..if that makes sense. I stretched and the got on the elliptical. I did it for 85 minutes and burnt 625 calories! I put the resistance at about a seven and busted my butt. I listened to all my favorite rap and hardcore music (only music I can workout to) and forgot about my awful week. My legs felt like jello, but I still managed to get on the treadmill and I did a mile on that.I'm so proud that I am finally getting into the swing of things! After the gym, I stopped and got some things at Walmart. I also decided to get something to eat. Instead of my normal Wendy's drive thru stunt, I decided to get this...

For only 260 calories, I couldn't pass it up. Eating prepared healthy food is expensive, so I need some tips on eating healthy by cooking on my own. I feel really good about eating well these past 3 days. I know I have a long way to go, but I know with the motivation of the people around me, I can do it!

I've cut out pop (besides the 90 cal cans once in a while) and fast food. Sometimes I would eat fast food twice a day.I'm in college and am all about convenience. Convenience is rarely healthy though. I bought tons of fruit, veggies, 100 cal pack snacks (long school days) and oatmeal. I plan to work at this every day and be actively conscious in what I am putting into my body. I plan to go to the gym 3-4 times a week and work hard there as well.

I NEED ALL THE MOTIVATION I CAN GET. I need tips on exercise, cooking food right and eathing healthy.
I love music when I work out. I am a fan of rap music, but more so when I am working out. I have loaded my ipod up with Drake, Weezy, and Kanye. I found this song on my ipod tonight and I forgot how much I love working out/running to it.

..seriously gets me in the best work out mood ever! I hope you all listen to it the next time you work out :)
(please overlook the weird music video, though)

March on!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Another blog from this girl? I know, I know. I start blogs and then I never post anything after making the blog look pretty. Well, I have decided to start a "Weight Loss" blog. I'm not sitting here telling you all that I'm fat or that this is necessary at all. Just listen..

My family is on my mom's insurance through the hospital where she works. The insurance company offers a weight loss initiative program. Here's the deal...

1)Go to your MD, get a physical, get weighed, etc.
2)Lose 10% of your body weight and get 500 dollars
3)Keep that 10% off for a year and get an additional 1000 dollars

My dad is doing this program right now and has already lost 10 lbs. He's been doing so well and that got me motivated to do it as well! He's been on a 2000 calorie diet per day and has been eating accordingly. After eating my bowl of macaroni and cheese, he somehow talked me into losing weight with him. I'm not saying I'm fat, but I could afford to lose a few lbs. Embarassed to say my weight, let's just say I have to lose 18 lbs to meet my 10% lost. Standing at almost 6'0 tall, I hid my weight pretty well. I lost 15 lbs this past summer after getting my wisdom teeth out and I felt awesome. I could fit into whatever I wanted and wear whatever I wanted and still feel confident. Unfortunately, I gained it all bad as soon as I could open my mouth. Losing that weight and an additional 3 lbs would be phenomenal!

I'm the type of girl that will "exercise tomorrow"...tomorrow never comes. I love fast food and that is my number one no no for this diet. I love Wendy's JBC a little too much. I also dip everything in Ranch. Also a big no no. I'm a cheese lover too. Do I eat anything healthy? Yeah, I eat the lettuce off of my junior bacon cheeseburger..and tomato if they put it on it. Eating healthy has to happen for me to meet my goal weight.

I'm not even sure if anyone will read this, but I need a place to keep track of what I'm eating day to day. I also need a place to vent and pout about this diet thing. I'm going to do it the healthy way and research what I need to eat and how much I need to exercise to meet my 10%. I could surely use 500 dollars asap. Losing 18 pounds before summer would be the best. I will need all the motivation I can get, so if you're willing to help me out with that, it'd be greatly appreciated.
